Over the past few years I've experimented with most types of light sources on the market, I started out my previous set up with a Kessil A350W LED, a light which to this day I love, the shimmer from the Kessil to me is just amazing, especially when combined with T5 supplementation. I then moved on to a Nanobox Sunpower Retrofit, again this was a really nice light which I unfortunately dropped into my tank. Oops!
I then settled on the ATI Sunpower and have been running them for the past few years. A light with which I've had great success, corals love T5s - fact.

Ever since I was introduced to reefing I have been tempted by the classic MH/T5 combination, during upgrades of tanks or just lights I have always been tempted to take the plunge with the Giesemann Spectra, it's just such a beautiful light but the stories of excessive heat and electricity bills ultimately swayed me to something else. In retrospect I should have taken the plunge years ago, there are very few pieces of equipment I've received that I was more excited about than the Spectra, it's incredible in every way and the perceived drawbacks of metal halides have not been a reality for me.

I've been running the T5s for 12 hours per day and the MHs for 4 and have seen no differences in my power bill compared to 8x54W T5s before. Heat on the other hand, is something you need to plan for - it get's hot here in summer, with temperatures reaching up to 40C on hot days so the MHs can increase the water temperature very quickly on these days if you aren't prepared.

Will you need a chiller? No, in fact a small fan keeps my temperature in check.

I'm in love with this light, the design, the build quality and the colour spectrum produced is everything I've hoped for in a light. I couldn't be happier and much like with T5s the corals have reacted extremely well the Spectra, they look lush and healthy and I'm excited to see how they progress in the months to come. Till next time!

by Shaun Lombard for ReefHacks.
What's your favourite light unit?