As children, science class taught us the importance of sunlight. With wide eyes and eager brains, we strained to grasp the concept that the brightly glowing ball in the sky was more than the source of summertime waterpark adventures.
Like trees reaching up toward the heavens to bask in the life-giving sunlight, we continued our quest of knowledge. For some, the impact of this solar understanding stops after passing their science exams. However, for many others, the influence of illumination penetrates beyond scholastic hallways and into our personal lives.
Who are these people entranced by the life-giving power of light? Well, if you’re reading this, you are!

As a lifelong aquarist, Yuliya has an endless curiosity about our underwater universe. After graduating with a bachelor’s in Environmental Engineering, she transformed her passion into a successful career. While working at the Institute of Environmental Protection in Moscow, her passion for saltwater and reef aquariums only increased. Moving to the United States in 2013, Yuliya embarked on another impactful journey by sharing her unprecedented experience for all aquarium hobbyists ... Read More.
Some believe tank setup, water parameters and aquascaping form the foundation of a successful reef aquarium, these are mere pillars. The true cornerstone of a thriving reef tank is the same energy source responsible for birthing life into the very oceans we wish to replicate: light.
To put it frankly, without high-quality illumination, reef tank health and development will never achieve the greatness you so desperately desire. Of course, when you objectively look at the entire aquarium ecosystem, multiple instruments must work in beautiful synchronicity for a healthy tank.
Much like a symphony, your tank requires a conductor to instruct the melodic waves of a refined aquarium.
While there are several noteworthy lighting maestro’s on the market, the ATI SunPower T5 is among the most talented. Capable of eliciting rich, powerful and dynamic performances out of your reef tank, this lighting fixture delivers stability and precision on a scale that’s rarely achieved in the consumer aquarist marketplace.
If you’re upgrading your current lighting fixture, or planning a future system, take a moment and come with us as we explore the unique advantages and profound technologies of the ATI SunPower T5.
Introducing Innovative Solutions - Who Is ATI?
Before diving into the illuminating brilliance of the ATI SunPower T5, let’s take a moment and investigate this respected manufacturer.
If you’ve spent any time researching reef aquarium products and solutions, you’ve likely come across ATI Aquaristik. Based in Germany, ATI was founded in 2000 to solve the growing problem of cheap, unreliable, and potentially unsafe, aquarium products.
ATI Aquaristik is represented in USA by ATI North America.
Considered a leader in aquarium innovation and technology, ATI offers not only tank equipment, but unparalleled water nutrient solutions under the ATI Essentials brand. Even before ReefHacks was established, we’ve trusted this brand to establish safe and balanced tank biology.
As you can imagine, the health and vitality of our tanks is of upmost importance. That’s why we choose ATI Essentials to support our thriving Red Sea REEFER 250 system.
Personal Note: ATI offers ICP-OES Analytic tests, in which you send water samples to their lab in Germany. We do this every two months, and let me tell you, the results are fantastic. You should definitely check this service out, but I digress.
Ultimately, this manufacturer is among the few who consistently exceed expectations without exaggerating claims, or demanding unnecessary high prices. Whether you choose the SunPower T5 fixture or not, keep your eye on this brand to remain on the pulse of aquarium innovation.
ATI SunPower T5 Review - The Basics.
Okay, now that we’ve discussed the makers of this unique lighting setup, let’s get down to business.
The ATI SunPower T5 is available in two primary setups:
- Dimmable.
- Non-Dimmable.
Of course, there are also several size options. The setup we’re using is the non-dimmable 24-inch model with 8 bulb compartments. Both dimmable and non-dimmable models offer a wide range of sizes, which include:
- 4 or 6 Bulbs x 24, 39, 54 and 80 Watts.
- 8 Bulbs x 24, 39, 54 and 80 Watts.
- Size Ranges: 24, 36, 48 and 60-inches long (dimmable T5 offers a maximum size of 48-inches).

As you can see, this lighting fixture can be used in a variety of tank sizes and configurations. I really appreciate a company who offers such flexibility without sacrificing quality or performance.
If you aren’t sure what size works for your tank, ATI offers an easy-to-understand size breakdown. For our Red Sea REEFER 170, the 8 bulb, 24-inch model works best as it supports anywhere from 50 to 100 gallon tanks.
While the dimmable function is interesting, we opted for the non-dimmable fixture as we didn’t require the additional feature. If you’re considering the dimmable SunPower T5, you’ll receive the added benefit of a built-in LCD control panel. Although this would be a nice feature for both versions, without the dimming function, it makes sense why this added touch was left out.
Now that we’ve covered the basics, it’s time to enlighten your world with the power of true innovation.
Here are the PAR readings map for our Red Sea REEFER 170 tank. The 24" ATI Sunpower 8 bulbs fixture is 8 inches over the water surface:

The Echo of Brilliance - Reflector Design & Materials.
In my opinion, as well as the opinion of anyone who’s used this fixture, the brightest star of the show are the reflectors. Essentially, when you strip away features and fancy gadgets, if a lighting fixture has ill-performing reflectors the entire system is useless.
Why is this, you may wonder? It boils down to design. Without properly engineered reflectors, the angle of light released from the overhead bulbs simply wouldn’t achieve maximum concentration. However, reflector shape isn’t the only element responsible for optimum functionality.
If you’ve ever purchased a cheap pair of sunglasses, then you understand the importance of material quality. Even though this cheap protective eyewear may have the look you desire, if it fails to block the sting of sunlight or creates a blinding glare, they’re essentially pointless.
The same is true for reflector material.

ATI SunPower T5 achieves its reflective quality from its use of Micro Silver material. While it sounds like something out of a science fiction novel, I assure you, it’s very real. In fact, when compared to similar lighting fixtures, Micro Silver is among the highest reflecting material available.
So, how much light does it reflect? Basically, every lumen is bounced off the reflector surface and beamed directly into your tank. With a reflective rating of 98 percent, the closest competitor comes in close at 95 percent. How does this compare to the average “discount” lighting fixture?
Essentially, there is no comparison. On average, these cheaper fixtures offer an average reflection rating of 85 percent. This results in an incredible amount of wasted energy. Of course, this isn’t even taking into account the plethora of hyper-cheap fixtures. These “cost-effective” units may not even offer a reflector. Instead, they hide their trickery by using a shiny sheet of metal, which offers close to zero reflection.
Why is reflection important? This is where design and function collide.
If reflector material features a low-quality reflection rating, then light is essentially lost. However, matters don’t improve if you have a quality reflector, but improperly engineered reflector design.
Without the precise shape the ATI SunPower T5 offers, light is simply bounced right back into the bulb. As you can imagine, this does no good. However, the exact curvature and placement of the ATI reflector not only reflects almost 100 percent of light, but light beams are reflected away from the bulb and downward.
I know this was a lengthy explanation, but the reflective capabilities of lighting fixtures is the cornerstone of this device. One of the first features that caught my eye, or rather, blinded me with its sheer awesomeness, is the SunPower T5 reflective accuracy, concentration and light output.
In fact, when compared to competitor fixtures, the T5 delivers up to 40 percent more light output.

The Chill of Perfect Illumination - Active Cooling System.
If you’ve ever ran an overhead tank lighting system, then you understand how hot they become. While their job is to mimic the life-giving properties of the sun, does it need to be as hot as the sun’s surface?!
According to the design of many fixtures, yes, it does. Thankfully, ATI SunPower T5 shared my thoughts. While there’s no such thing as a “cool” fixture, especially one of this caliber, the Active Cooling System comes close.
Cool air intakes along the top of the fixture actively reduces operating temperatures while excessively hot air is blown out through side vents. Not only does this feature add a necessary safety level, but a cooler fixture is a more efficient system.
Operating at a cooler temperature not only extends the life of internal components, but it surprisingly boosts light output. While the exact measurement can vary, excessively hot fixtures lose up to 1 percent of light output past a specific point. Therefore, if your fixture runs hot, your lights run dim.

Bask in the Light of Perfection - Noteworthy Features.
What I really appreciate about the ATI SunPower T5 is how it delivers extreme performance without the extremely high price associated with comparable fixtures. While there are many features that make this lighting setup unique, some shine brighter than others.
Before diving into these features, I want to touch base on a topic some could read as a downside. While this has nothing to do with its function, the ATI SunPower T5 isn’t the most attractive design. Don’t misread this statement, the design isn't atrocious, but it does bring a specific level of industrial aesthetics.
Although its design may not effortlessly flow with the decor of your room, it’s not the worst I’ve seen. Even though the industrialized frame and heavy-feel of its structure is a far cry from sleeker options, it doesn’t detract from the beauty of your tank.

According to a colleague, the stark boldness of the fixture somehow flows into the delicate nature of our aquarium. It’s an example of how two opposing aesthetics can live in a harmonious relationship. Ultimately, don’t let the visual design of the SunPower T5 detract your decision. Trust me, the benefits of T5s are far outweigh any perceived aesthetic downside.
Beyond this, the entire system is solid and surprisingly easy to setup and operate. The independent lamp control offers a precise dawn-dusk simulation is a a very useful function. I appreciate the lamp wiring, which features two bulbs attached to a single power cord while the remaining lamps are controlled by a separate cord.
Overall, the energy efficient operation is quiet and won’t cause your entire room to feel like a sauna. I found the griplock-style hanging kit is an excellent choice, not to mention relatively uncomplicated to setup and easily adjustable height.

Enlightening Ease, Function and Power - ATI SunPower T5.
I could go on about how much I truly appreciate the ATI SunPower T5, but why spoil all the fun? Regardless of your tank setup, or location, this is among the most solid options on the market. But why take my word for it? Check out the ATI SunPower T5 and see for yourself just how bright the future of aquatics can be.
As always, the entire ReefHacks staff is here to help you decide on your perfect lighting fixture. Whether you’re unsure of sizing, or want to learn more about PAR readings, visit our Facebook page and send us a message.
Happy Reefing!
by Yuliya Ivanova for ReefHacks.