When you look at your reef tank, what do you see? If your aquarium is like so many others, your eyes are treated to the exotic colors and life of coral, fish and other beautiful inhabitants. From the delicate branching arms of your chosen coral species to the vibrant and active life of marine life, it’s easy to forget that the most important organisms are the least visible.Like … [Read more...] about The Prodibio Program – Triggering Pristine Health via Microorganisms.
Leverage Science for Brilliant Corals – ZEOvit Method Guide.
Essentially, reef aquarists all desire the same thing: beautifully vibrant colors and healthy growth.The quest for reef tank brilliance has resulted in an ever-growing list of tips, products and asinine theories. How many blog posts or advertisements have you read filled with the absolute best way to achieve stronger development and more dynamic pigmentation? Probably more than … [Read more...] about Leverage Science for Brilliant Corals – ZEOvit Method Guide.
Pax-Bellum ARID N18 Review – Exploring the Next Wave in Reef Care.
Nutrient export is an impassioned topic for most reefers, but that’s to be expected. Whenever there’s more than one way to perform a task, some will prefer one over the other.Regardless of preferences, we all can agree on one thing: we want safe, quick and effective methods. When it comes to exporting nutrients, a good portion of reefers like to fight fire with fire. Or, in … [Read more...] about Pax-Bellum ARID N18 Review – Exploring the Next Wave in Reef Care.
The Molecular Approach to Management – Red Sea Reef Care Program.
Several weeks ago, I took a break from the office and grabbed lunch with a longtime friend who recently took up reefing. You can imagine what our conversations mostly entail.As we finished our meal, and eyed the desert bar across the street, her face curled with a hue of frustration. We had just been discussing my newest aquascaping design, but noticing the growing tension, I … [Read more...] about The Molecular Approach to Management – Red Sea Reef Care Program.
Taming Nature – Clear Water Scrubbers CW-50 Algae Scrubber Review.
In many ways, the cornerstone of a thriving reef tank is determined by your ability to duplicate the natural environment of its inhabitants. Sure, there are literally dozens of various biological and mechanical components responsible for the overall health of a tank, but each work in tandem toward this common goal.Without a biologically similar ecosystem, the growth and … [Read more...] about Taming Nature – Clear Water Scrubbers CW-50 Algae Scrubber Review.
Fortifying Reef Tank Health – Deltec 600ix AC Protein Skimmer Review.
Many years ago, after graduating college and taking the first leaps into professional adulthood, I eagerly signed a lease with what I believed was a “too good to be true” apartment.With soaring ceilings, antique built-in bookshelves and an extremely affordable rent, I thought I’d hit the apartment jackpot. But, as life has taught all of us, if it seems too good to be true, it … [Read more...] about Fortifying Reef Tank Health – Deltec 600ix AC Protein Skimmer Review.
Brightwell Aquatics XPort BIO Brick Review – Safe and Effective Bacteria Colonization.
I remember sitting in disbelief and amazement as my elementary science teacher dove into the topic of healthy, or good, bacteria. Up until this point, I’d assumed all bacteria was bad. After suffering a serious bout of strep throat, the notion that our bodies rely on specific bacteria to remain healthy was ludicrous!But, as we all know, nature doesn’t always make sense. As a … [Read more...] about Brightwell Aquatics XPort BIO Brick Review – Safe and Effective Bacteria Colonization.
The Great Aquascaping Debate – Live Rocks vs. Dry Rocks.
Is your reef tank boring? When you gaze into this underwater universe, are you uninspired?When I first dove into the world of reef aquariums, I was obsessed. My desire to create a healthy habitat was surpassed by my will to manifest a slice of the ocean that’s just for me. Aquarists aren’t just admirers of the sea. We’re dreamers. We’re environmentalists. We’re artists. Being … [Read more...] about The Great Aquascaping Debate – Live Rocks vs. Dry Rocks.
The Essential Guide to Reef Tanks and Phytoplankton.
Featured Image: Tetraselmis suecica(4-6um) single cell swimmer.I heard a Local Fish Store owner tell a customer that ”All phytoplankton are the same”. My immediate thought was, are all corals the same? Are all fish the same? NO! There are conservatively hundreds of thousands to a million different species of phytoplankton in the oceans and more than that when we include … [Read more...] about The Essential Guide to Reef Tanks and Phytoplankton.
Clear Advice – Exploring Reef Tank Water Changes.
On the photo: Yuliya - Tank: RedSea REEFER 250.For something that sounds so easy, reef tank water changes aren’t as straightforward as you might think. Even though it sounds like you simply remove and replace water, the number of variables and considerations can be overwhelming.Throughout my years as an avid aquarist, the topic of water changes has never been a stranger. … [Read more...] about Clear Advice – Exploring Reef Tank Water Changes.